Friday, January 30, 2009

January in Paris

Though the blog has been hibernating in January I haven’t. I have been at work to complete my tasks at the Danish Delegation to the OECD while also doing some other things such as wandering around unfamiliar neighbourhoods in Paris, which on one day lead my to find no less than four really nice churches that I took great pictures of. I also got a little insight into the anger of the Palestinians when I was out for a walk and met the demo at the Boulevard Beaumarchais on the 17th. There was police officers everywhere. When I got back from my walk the entire Place Bastille was occupied by people demonstrating. I guess I was lucky that I could even get to my appartment!

I have also been to Shakespeare and Co to buy a couple of more books which are going to be difficult to bring home with me! I hope I have room for everything. One thing I am very proud of is that I have completely avoided the January sales. I haven’t bought a single thing. Ok, well the books in Shakespeare and Co but they weren’t on sale and besides the soul needs nourishment! On the 24th I went to the Louvre and visited the entire section on French paintings from the 17th to the 19th century. I found some paintings I liked, I mostly do, but apart from them this section wasn’t my favorite one, but I still appreciated visiting it because you can also learn a lot from what you don’t like.